Humble Earth Dweller
Humble Earth Dweller
Our Lord Jesus —
Creation’s Conductor.
Master of Angels.
Heaven’s sweet Prince.
A servant of boundless perfection.
Obedient and kind, you gave for our gain.
A glorious submission.
Immaculate incarnation.
Salvation’s hero.
Uncompromised humanity and full-dosed divinity.
Oh, mysterious oneness!
You shared our air and toiled in our thorns.
Wrestled frustrations and fought disappointment.
Knew hunger and need.
Tasted betrayal.
You wept.
For us and with us as one of us.
A humble earth dweller.
Pioneer of grace. Embodiment of Truth.
Our wounded healer.
Our champion of love.
Love unbroken. Unqualified. Undeserved.
Abundant in application.
A merciful draught for withering souls.
We drink deep.
We remember your advent.
We yearn for your justice.
We exist by your goodness.
And we celebrate.
Long expected, our only hope in life and death.
Once humble babe now ruler and King.
Our Savior. Our Lord.
Our Emmanuel.
Copyright © 2013 Chris De Man. All rights reserved.