“The whole outlook of mankind might be changed if we could all believe that we dwell under a friendly sky and that the God of heaven, though exalted in power and majesty, is eager to be friends with us.”
— A.W. Tozer
Welcome to our blog page. The content here, up through the year 2022, was originally posted on my personal blog/website (chrisdeman.com). As God continues to lead us into different ways of being spiritually formed, our creative outlets have also transitioned. So, we’re simplifying into one web presence. We hope that you find encouragement, challenge, a bit of humor, and honest reflection on our experience with God in the commonplace.
Looking Back to Go Forward
With all that spring and summer has been in 2020, for my family it has also been a season of weddings. Two of my sons made a covenant with their ladies as we laughed, cried, celebrated, and briefly pushed aside most of our pandemic thoughts while masked and physically distanced.
The Marital Bed
A poem…
Delightfully Difficult
Number twenty-two. The copper anniversary. Whoever designated anniversary themes must have figured if you made it to 22 you could risk giving a copper-themed gift to your spouse.
Hot Pursuit
Nearly twenty-two years of the same stealthy preparations. A pre-dawn routine executed with precision. On this particular morning, I sought extra discretion. My mission was to slip away unnoticed…
My Favorite Picture
Last week I was overwhelmed – again. It was déjà vu from two years ago. All those hallways and galleries and glass cases and tiny spotlights. It doesn’t take long for me to get lost in the varied and sometimes loose interpretations of art at The Art Institute of Chicago.
Marriage is War
G.K. Chesterton said, “Marriage is an adventure, like going to war.” Today (January 16) marks 19 years of ‘war’ for Katrina and me. Yes, it has been war. But not that kind of war.
Clothing Optional?
Our September Saturday mornings have been blissful. Our bliss comes via art classes at a local college. Being the savvy homeschooling mom she is, Katrina enrolled our children (yes, every last one of them) in Saturday morning art classes. So, while our kids get artsy and educated, we practice being empty nesters for two and a half glorious hours…
Why all the Hubbub?
I confess. I watched. But only for five minutes. Really.
Valentine’s Day. Seven days. Men, order flowers – now!
Don't Be Ridiculous!
We are a homeschooling family. I offer that without judgment, expectation, agenda or calls for sympathy. Instead, I give it to provide context for the email exchange below that occurred this morning between Katrina and me…