“The whole outlook of mankind might be changed if we could all believe that we dwell under a friendly sky and that the God of heaven, though exalted in power and majesty, is eager to be friends with us.”

— A.W. Tozer

Welcome to our blog page. The content here, up through the year 2022, was originally posted on my personal blog/website (chrisdeman.com). As God continues to lead us into different ways of being spiritually formed, our creative outlets have also transitioned. So, we’re simplifying into one web presence. We hope that you find encouragement, challenge, a bit of humor, and honest reflection on our experience with God in the commonplace.

Marriage is War

G.K. Chesterton said, “Marriage is an adventure, like going to war.” Today (January 16) marks 19 years of ‘war’ for Katrina and me. Yes, it has been war. But not that kind of war.

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My Dynamic Duo

One thing I savor with the onset of colder weather is the chance to hunker-down. To pull out the hoodies and fleeces, as well as extra blankets for the bed. It’s hard to beat a crisp night, a good book, a sweetened cup of coffee and my wife on the couch beside me. Such moments are rare in our home. Five children and a heat-sucking, parasitic dog provide plenty of sabotaging moments. Nevertheless, I cling to my dreams.

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How Long Would You Wait?

Two weeks until Christmas. These days are torture. It’s a type of no-man’s-land. Christmas Day is close enough to foster frenzied anticipation, yet far enough away to breed frustration. The 'teens' of countdown calendars seem to linger like a bad cold. Presents under the tree taunt me. Holiday movies, class parties and endless Pandora Christmas tunes only froth my desires. Oh Christmas – come quickly!

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Five Kernels

Four hundred years ago, a ship full of religious zealots left the coast of England to begin a mythic journey. It started with bad weather and a detour. Then delay. When the journey resumed, it was riddled with disease and death. The destination promised freedom and opportunity. But what greeted these travelers was hardship and discouragement.

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Do You Dream?

I’ve always been fascinated with dreams. They’re such a peculiar, unpredictable characteristic of animate life. Rarely are dreams a true reflection of reality (at least my dreams).

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Blog Blog

Join My Protest!

You might have missed it. Many aren’t aware of it. Yes, October 31 is Halloween. It is also Reformation Day. Now before you write-off this post as another puritanical rant against Halloween, keep reading…

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Goldfish and iPhones

Children have a keen sense for fairness. Around our home it is observed most often with food. For example, when I dole-out goldfish crackers my children instinctively compare their pile with that of a sibling. They count, glance-up at me and communicate (verbally and non-verbally), “I have less. This isn’t fair. What gives?”

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I Need Help!

I’m an independent. Not politically, but behaviorally. I have a natural bent toward doing things myself. I prefer it that way. Seems easier. Less conflict. Unfortunately, the fallout from this loner attitude is a reluctance to ask for help.

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Clothing Optional?

Our September Saturday mornings have been blissful. Our bliss comes via art classes at a local college. Being the savvy homeschooling mom she is, Katrina enrolled our children (yes, every last one of them) in Saturday morning art classes. So, while our kids get artsy and educated, we practice being empty nesters for two and a half glorious hours…

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Elementary, My Dear Watson?

This week we had a family mystery. There was a missing item. Several suspects. Conflicting stories. A jury. A judge. And thankfully, no weapon.

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Changing wall color is fresh meat for the interior decorating monster. I’ve encountered the ID monster before. Just took me 18 years to realize he lives at the paint store. He’s the master of suggestion, planting ideas in the minds of gleeful wives fresh from convincing their husband some painting would be in his best interest…

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